Rebecca's Revival
Tweet: Black socks black socks don't go with reeboks black socks.#twitterive

Tweet: still pondering my inspiration for my #twitterive although, black socks song come to mind!

Tweet: 30 years ago there were no black socks. Only white ones with stripes at the top #twitterive

“Did you see the guy in corner? The one with the black socks with white Reeboks and shorts?! Seriously, he should’ve just been wearing socks and Birkenstocks,” said Jenna.

“Right! Did he seriously think that was hot? Did he look in a full-length mirror before he left the house and say, ‘Damn, I look good! I’m gonna get me some ass tonight!’ Why do guys not understand the concept that when wearing shorts and white sneakers, you cannot wear black socks!” said Lucy with a look of disgust.

Then, John started beating on the countertop and jamming back and forth, “Black socks. Black socks don’t go with Reeboks. Black Socks.”

This was typical four AM behavior for John. He was an aspiring musician and our only male roommate. We called him “white rapper” due to the fact that he loved to bust out some beats after a few drinks.

“Seriously John? The neighbors are going to call the cops,” I said, because I’m the motherly figure of our foursome.

“Thirty years ago, there were no black socks, only white ones with stripes at the top,” John rapped as he made an imaginary ring around his ankle with his pale, frail fingers.

“C’mon ladies! Help me out. Black socks. Black socks don’t go with whaaa-t?” said John as he pointed to me.


In unison we all busted out the chorus, “Black socks. Black socks don’t go with Reeboks. Black socks”

Then, we busted into laughter. John always had a quirky way of making our ridiculous gossip into some sort of joke or song for that matter. He was good for that. That’s why he worked in our foursome of roommates. The four musketeers.